S2 E81: Power in Christ and the Holy Ghost as we lovingly run the race (week of Oct. 23, only episode)

The Scriptures Are Real by Kerry Muhlestein

Episode notes
In this episode Kerry and Jennifer discuss the following books:https://amzn.to/3RYHxWj and https://amzn.to/46JSD5ZIn this episode, Jennifer Lane and Kerry talk about Paul as a mentor to church leaders. They explore how this and all else he does are governed by his desire to come to Christ, and how he left sinfulness behind and came to Christ and wants everyone else to do the same and how he is disappointed when they don’t. They also address what are sometimes seen as difficult chapters because of how Paul teaches about his culture, and they couch this in the blessed advantage we have in that we can look to modern prophets to help with knowing how to take these teachings in our own day. They discuss the need to take advantage of ...   ...  Read more
loving godpaulepistles of paulgracerun the racepriesthoodtimothy