Barbara Marx Hubbard feat. John Klyczek: Transhumanism, New Age Spirituality and the Rockefeller Funded Guru who Attempted to Usher in a Technocratic Gnostic Aeon

Things Observed by Things Observed

Episode notes
In this Episode I am joined by John Klyczek, and he shares with us his knowledge of Barbara Marx Hubbard, the new age guru who pushed for transhumanism. We discuss her connections to various groups and think tanks such as the Esalen Institute, psychologist Abraham Maslow's Eupsychian Network as well as her role in things such as the Human Potential Movement. We discuss the Jesuit heretic she took inspiration from who was also involved in a hoax concerning the missing link between animal and man, Klyczek also informs us of Hubbard's beliefs about how we can all reach 'Christ Consciousness' through merging with machines, how the internet and social media are the nervous system of the world spirit and much more. Klyczek also lays the connection between darwinism, malthusianism, eugenics and transhumanism. This is only scratching the surface this episod ...   ...  Read more
conspiracy theorytranshumanismtechnocracygreat resetnew world ordergnosticismnew agebrave new world