The Yoga Chat

by Montana Mitchell and May McCreery

The Yoga Chat is a place where humans from around the world share the story behind their yoga journey. Our mission is to make this practice less intimidating by sharing real life stories that prove yoga can be accessible for ALL. We believe that getting more people on theirs mats can change the world! So, let’s do this thing!

Podcast episodes

  • Season 1

  • Meet the Hosts: Montana and May

    Meet the Hosts: Montana and May

    In episode 1 we share the stories behind our own yoga journeys and what lead us to start this podcast in the first place. You’ll learn what guided us to the practice, what kept us going, why we decided to start teaching, and the impacts we have felt and seen this practice have on our own lives and the lives of others. 2:17 - Name clarifications: Bradshaw Wish + Giana Gambino 54:44 - Yogasix 200 Hour YTT Creators: Katie Brauer + Danny Arguetty. Evolved over the years by Valerie Unigrow and Christine Kick