Episode notes
Turning Tides welcomes Mark Bulik, a senior editor at the New York Times and author of Ambush at Central Park: When the IRA Came to New York for an interview in which he discusses his new book, as well as his first book, The Sons of Molly Maguire: the Irish Roots of America's First Labor War.
Mark Bulik's Website: https://markbulik.com/
The Sons of Molly Maguire: the Irish Roots of America's First Labor War on Amazon: https://www.amazon.com/Sons-Molly-Maguire-Irish-Americas/dp/0823262235
Ambush at Ce ...
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historygovernmentwarpoliticsworld eventsmajor eventshistorical eventsnew yorknew york statestate policepoliceriotprisonamericaamerican historymilitary historylaborunioncivil waramerican labor movementunionizationlabor movementstrikelabor warcoalminingnew york cityworld war iwwiamerican laborstrike historycivil rightsmafiaorganized crimeinterviewteamsterssanitationsocialismbritainmilitaryspyColonialismimperialismAmerican politics19th centurycolonial waruprisingmassacrePresidentNationalistsnationalismindependenceprotestprotestsviolencemodern historyChristianityReligionReligious warReligious freedomMark BulikNew York Timesauthorbooknew york times editorNew York Times Senior EditorIrelandMolly MaguiresCentral ParkIRAIrish HistoryNew York HistoryAmbush at Central ParkSons of Molly MaguireIrish AmericanIrish-AmericanIrishAmericanImmigrationIrish Potato FamineGreat Potato FamineTrue CrimeFamineStarvationStarvingHunger StrikeFarmersFarmerFarmFarmingMummeryDouble AgentEspionage