The Social Brain

by Taylor Guthrie and Andrew Cooper Sansone

The place where society and biology meet. Conversations exploring the evolution and function of the human brain and the social pressures that shaped it into what it is today.

Podcast episodes

  • How The Brain Evolved from Single Celled Organisms

    How The Brain Evolved from Single Celled Organisms

    Right now, you are in possession of the most complex thing in the known universe: Your brain. The question is, how could this amazingly advanced biological computer have come about through natural forces? In this episode of The Social Brain, we’re traveling hundreds of millions of years into the past to answer that question. We’ll describe in broad strokes the evolution of single celled organisms all the way to the most intelligent creatures on the planet.

  • Deciphering Depression: The Role of Serotonin

    Deciphering Depression: The Role of Serotonin

    The rise in depression diagnoses in recent decades is staggering. It's estimated that 1 in 7 in US alone have turned to antidepressants in their quest for relief. This journey often begins with a narrative many of us are familiar with: the theory of a chemical imbalance in our brains. The idea that our brains are somehow "broken" and that these medications can correct that imbalance has been a cornerstone of psychiatric treatment for over 30 years. However, this theory is not without its challenges. Recent studies have questioned the simplicity of the chemical imbalance narrative, suggesting that depression cannot be pinned down to just serotonin levels. This has sparked a heated debate within the scientific community, with some researchers defending the theory and others calling for a reevaluation of our understanding of depression and its treatment. Our discussion today is not an indictment of these treatments but a call to broaden our perspective. Depression is a multifaceted condition, influenced by a myriad of factors, including our environment, personal experiences, and yes, our biology. But to reduce it solely to a matter of chemical imbalances does a disservice to the complexity of human emotions and experiences. The narratives of "broken brains" needing "chemical corrections" may overlook the resilience of the human mind and the capacity of our brains to adapt and find strategies to cope with stress.

  • Revealing the Mind: The Neuroscience of Psychedelics

    Revealing the Mind: The Neuroscience of Psychedelics

    Psychedelics powerfully alter the brain by tapping into the serotonin system. In this episode, we’ll discuss how psychedelics affect the brain and what the existing literature suggests about their therapeutic potential.

  • The ADHD Brain: Beyond Distractions

    The ADHD Brain: Beyond Distractions

    You've noticed it—the drift of your attention, the challenge of staying on task. We all experience this but for some of us this can reach extremes and fall under the category of ADHD, a complex neurological condition that's often misunderstood. We're not just talking about a child who can't sit still in class; this is about a diverse spectrum of experiences affecting people of all ages, in every aspect of life. But what really is ADHD? It's a term that's become common in our dialogue, yet it encompasses a vast range of symptoms: the impulsivity, the disorganization, the extraordinary bursts of creativity, and the struggle to keep up with life's everyday demands. This intricate dance of cognition and behavior, once simply labeled as a lack of willpower, is now recognized as a unique wiring of the brain, influenced by genetics, environment, and even societal expectations. It's intriguing and vital to understand how ADHD brains navigate the world differently, how they are not just a challenge to be managed, but also a reservoir of untapped potential and insight. In this episode, we're diving deep into the neuroscience of ADHD. We'll explore the latest research that sheds light on how ADHD brains work, the innovations in treatment and management, and most importantly, how those with ADHD can leverage their unique strengths. It's not just about diagnosing or coping with ADHD; it's about redefining our understanding of this condition and recognizing the value of neurodiversity in our lives. Let's embark on this journey together and uncover the full spectrum of what it means to live with ADHD.

  • A Balanced Mind: The Default Mode & Other Networks

    A Balanced Mind: The Default Mode & Other Networks

    Have you ever noticed that when you aren’t doing anything specific, you often start thinking about yourself, your past, other people, or maybe your future? That’s your brain’s default mode network in action. And when your attention gets pulled back to the task you’re working on, a whole another set of networks comes online. In this episode, we’ll explain what these networks do, and why they’re so important for optimizing cognition.