Series in a sentence: “Daniel lived in Babylon, but Babylon didn’t live in Daniel” A New Testament version of that would be to quote a modern phrase derived from the teachings of Jesus and the Apostle Paul: “To be in the world, but not of it”. This means us being physically present in a place and a culture but having thoughts, values, or our focus elsewhere; On the Kingdom of Heaven. What we will glean from this series is the reminder that we are in the world but not of the world. Christians are called to be set apart. Not conforming to the patterns of the world (as the Apostle Paul said), but renewed by the transforming of our minds. Ultimately, to the mind of Christ. All around us are cultures, subcultures, and various environments in which we can easily be swept away from the things of God, and end up confirming to the world around us. What is so powerful about the life of Daniel was his ability to be held captive in Babylon, serve his leaders well, and also be faithful to God Almighty. There should have been incredible conflict in that scenario, and yet, Daniel accomplished that until the end.