Struggling with the fear of judgement?

AuthenticallyYOU The Podcast by Daniel Reader

Episode notes

Do you find yourself always trying to manage and control parts of yourself through fear of them coming out and then being judged and rejected?

Do you have a belief that you are bad and unlovable and then spend every waking hour trying to prove your 'goodness' and lovability?

Well that was me for 30 years and it led me down a dark path of isolation, loneliness and unfulfillment!

What I discovered over these last 6 years was that these parts 0f me that I was trying to hide from the world (which then come out in unhealthy ways) just wanted my acceptance and love, instead of everyone else's that I was trying to gain by presenting a socially acceptable version of myself.

Once I started to invest in myself and work with people that were able to offer me the safety I needed to open up, I began recognising that I CAN show up in my ... 

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fear of rejectionhealingauthenticity