
MAJOR BREAKING: Tim Ballard Lawsuit EXPLODES! Mormon Church Probably Evil

The Mormon History Hoedown by Carah Burrell

Episode notes
  1. Join me for the Tim Ballard podcast to end all Tim Ballard podcasts.
  2. All my links and info on the group trip to Greece! 🔗 https://linktr.ee/nuancehoe
    1. 👇 👇 👇 I live and die on donor support! So, great news! The Nuance Hug Foundation is up and running as a 501c3 nonprofit. All donations to ✨Donor Box and Venmo✨ are tax deductible in the US! More podcasts and shorts are coming full-time as long as I can keep it funded. Help me and my team continue making important, hilarious content by becoming a one-time or monthly donor!
    2. EQUIPMENT FUNDRAISER: https://donorbox.or ... 
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mormonnuancehoemormon storiesexmormoncomedycarah burrelltim ballardlatter day saints