The Mocktail Made Me

by Matt & Britt Las Vegas

Welcome to "The Mocktail Made Me," the podcast where hosts Matt and Britt, a dynamic couple in their late 30s residing in the vibrant city of Las Vegas, invite you on a journey of self-discovery and transformation. In 2023 they bid farewell to alcohol and discovered their best, most authentic life.

Join Matt and Britt as they share their journey from the antics of tequila-fueled nights to the clarity and vitality found ... 

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Podcast episodes

  • Season 1

  • From Hangovers to Happiness: Lindsay Hennekey's Sobriety Coaching Secrets

    From Hangovers to Happiness: Lindsay Hennekey's Sobriety Coaching Secrets

    Welcome to another exciting episode of "The Mocktail Made Me" podcast! I'm your host, Matt, and alongside me is my amazing co-host, Britt. Today, we have a fantastic guest joining us—Lindsay Hennekey, an accredited sober coach dedicated to helping ambitious women craft a life you wouldn’t want to ruin with a hangover. Lindsay's inspiring journey and expertise in making alcohol insignificant have transformed countless lives. Get ready to dive into her unique approach to sobriety, learn valuable tips, and hear her insights on living a vibrant, alcohol-free life. Stay tuned to hear what the mocktails made us do! Episode Highlights: Lindsay's Journey with Alcohol: Lindsay shares her early experiences with alcohol, the turning point in her life, and her "trampoline moment" when she decided to make a change. Lindsay's Coaching Business: Insights into how Lindsay started her coaching business, the challenges she faced, and her vision for the future. Free Strategy Session and Coaching Program: Details about the free strategy sessions Lindsay offers and an overview of her coaching program with success stories from clients. Advice for Those Struggling: Lindsay’s key advice for those struggling with alcohol. The Mocktail Made Her Do: Fun and surprising changes Lindsay has experienced since becoming sober. Where to find Lindsay Instagram: lindsay_hennekey Link Tree: Tune in to hear what the mocktails made us do and follow "The Mocktail Made Me" podcast for more inspiring stories and tips on living an alcohol-free life!

  • Breaking Free: Stacey Griego on the Fight Against Over-Prescription and Addiction


    Breaking Free: Stacey Griego on the Fight Against Over-Prescription and Addiction


    Episode Description: Welcome back to The Mocktail Made Me Podcast! In this episode, we have an inspiring conversation with Stacey Griego, a resilient woman who has triumphed over addiction and now advocates for recovery and mental health awareness. Stacey shares her powerful journey, shedding light on her struggles and how she found the strength to overcome them. Key Discussion Points: Stacey's Journey: Stacey opens up about her personal battle with addiction and the pivotal moments that led to her recovery. Pharmaceuticals and Over-Prescription: We discuss the critical issue of doctors over-prescribing medications and the impact it has on individuals and communities. Importance of Community: Stacey emphasizes the vital role that community support plays in the recovery process and how building a strong support network can make a significant difference. Mental Health Struggles: We delve into the challenges of mental health, exploring how they intersect with addiction and the importance of addressing both simultaneously. Follow Us: Don't forget to follow "The Mocktail Made Me Podcast" for more inspiring stories and discussions on living an alcohol-free lifestyle. Connect with Stacey: Find out more about Stacey's advocacy work and her journey by following her on Instagram: stacey_stories_for_sobriety_ Join the Conversation: We'd love to hear your thoughts on this episode. Connect with us on Instagram @themocktailsmadeus and share your insights and experiences.

  • Moderation and Mocktails: Katie Nessel, The Soberish Mom, and Her Unique Approach to Drinking Less

    Moderation and Mocktails: Katie Nessel, The Soberish Mom, and Her Unique Approach to Drinking Less

    Episode Description: Welcome to 'The Mocktail Made Me Podcast,' where we explore the vibrant world of living alcohol-free! Today we have an incredible guest who’s making waves in the sober curious community. Katie Nessel, also known as the 'Soberish Mom,' is a huge influencer known for her amazing cutting back and moderation tips. Katie is a five-star mocktail barista, giving her honest recommendations on all the latest non-alcoholic beverages and teaching her audience how to pair and mix them. She's also famous for sharing a parenting hack or two. When she's not influencing, you can find her spending time with her husband and two kids or hitting the gym. Let's meet Katie! Episode Highlights: 1. Getting to Know Katie Katie shares about her background, personal life as a wife and mother, and initial relationship with alcohol. Insights into what led her to moderate her drinking. 2. The Journey to Moderation Katie discusses her decision to highly moderate instead of going fully sober. Challenges and benefits she experienced during this transition. 3. Birth of Soberish Mom The story behind the creation of the Soberish Mom platform. Evolution of her content from the beginning to now. 4. Rising to Fame The moment Katie realized she was becoming an internet sensation. Key factors contributing to her success and influence. 5. The Business Side Current state of the Soberish Mom business. New projects, collaborations, or expansions on the horizon. 6. Guidance for Others Katie shares advice for listeners contemplating their own drinking habits. Importance of making personalized choices in moderation or sobriety. 7. Engaging with Katie Details on where listeners can find Katie online (Instagram, TikTok, etc.). Encouragement to engage with her content and try her recommended mocktails and non-alcoholic beverages. 8. The Mocktail Impact Katie shares one significant thing that “the mocktail made her do” – a cool or unexpected outcome of her journey. Conclusion: Summary of key points from the interview. Expressing gratitude to Katie for joining and sharing her insights. Reminding listeners of where they can follow the podcast and announcing the topic for the next episode. Follow Us: Follow 'The Mocktail Made Me Podcast' on Instagram: @themocktailsmadeus Don’t forget to tune in next week for another exciting episode! Engage with Katie: Follow Katie Nessel, the Soberish Mom, Instagram: @SoberishMom TikTok: @SoberishMom Website:

  • Changing the Narrative: Leigh Havelick’s Journey Battling Mommy Wine Culture and Drinking Norms

    Changing the Narrative: Leigh Havelick’s Journey Battling Mommy Wine Culture and Drinking Norms

    Episode Title: Leigh Havelick: From Macros to Mocktails - A Journey of Sobriety and Strength Episode Summary: Welcome to The Mocktail Made Me Podcast! We're thrilled to introduce our exceptional guest and dear friend, Leigh Havelick of Macros n’ Mocktails. Leigh isn't your typical sobriety influencer; she's a powerhouse! With her razor-sharp wit, she gracefully manages life as a mother of three boys, including twins, while also being a dedicated wife, passionate reader, and aspiring podcaster. Leigh's journey with alcohol is inspiring, and her no-nonsense approach to sobriety has made her a beacon of hope. Join us as we uncover her impactful methods and future plans. Get ready to be inspired, motivated, and empowered! Discussion Highlights: Recognizing the Problem: Leigh's personal realization and pivotal moment. Making it Stick: Strategies, tools, and mindset shifts for maintaining sobriety. Impact on Relationships and Motherhood: Positive transformations and deeper connections. Advice for Early Sobriety: Practical tips and words of wisdom. The Importance of Community: The role of support networks and shared experiences. What's Next: Insights into Leigh's upcoming ventures, including her podcast plans. The Mocktail Effect: Positive lifestyle changes and newfound opportunities. Conclusion: Thank you to Leigh Havelick for sharing her story and wisdom. Connect with Leigh for support and inspiration on your sobriety journey. Follow Us: Stay updated with The Mocktail Made Me Podcast for more inspiring stories and insights. Don't forget to subscribe and follow us on Instagram @themocktailsmadeus Find Leigh at: @macrosnmocktails

  • From Nightlife to Dry Bar: Navigating Sobriety in Sin City with Victoria Burgess

    From Nightlife to Dry Bar: Navigating Sobriety in Sin City with Victoria Burgess

    Episode Description: Today, we have the pleasure of introducing our exceptional guest, Victoria Burgess. Victoria is a Las Vegas local, Hospitality Guru, Woman Entrepreneur, and the innovative owner of Cozmic Spiritz Dry Bar. Join us as we delve into her inspiring journey toward sobriety and her dynamic experience owning a traveling dry bar. In a city renowned for its nightlife, Victoria's story shines a light on the power of resilience and authenticity. She offers invaluable insights into the challenges and triumphs of maintaining sobriety while thriving in the world of hospitality and entrepreneurship. Topics Discussed: Insights into the hospitality industry from a seasoned expert The creation and growth of Cozmic Spiritz Dry Bar Overcoming the unique challenges of maintaining sobriety in Las Vegas The intersection of wellness and entrepreneurship Practical advice for those on their sobriety journey How Victoria balances her personal and professional life Resources Mentioned: Follow us on Instagram: cozmicspiritz_drybar Visit website: Connect with Us: Follow us on Instagram: @TheMocktailsMadeMe Listen Now: Apple Podcasts Spotify Google Podcasts Don’t forget to subscribe, rate, and review our podcast! Tune in to hear what the mocktails make us do next!