The Home For AnimeExplicit

by Cameron Langtree-Allison

Welcome to the home for anime! This is a place where all anime fans can come and feel like they belong. Just sit back and listen to host Callie talk about different anime, manga and light novels.

Podcast episodes

  • Season 5

  • Ryan Convinces Me to Read Berserk

    Ryan Convinces Me to Read Berserk

    I think Ryan has a potential side hustle as a salesman. Man would make a killing.

  • END OF VOLUME 5 - Urusei Yatsura


    END OF VOLUME 5 - Urusei Yatsura


    This is it! Volume 5 is ending with one of the best series to grace the otaku landscape and change it forever. It's finally time to cover Urusei Yatsura!! GPC:

  • Vol. 5.5 - Cybersix


    Vol. 5.5 - Cybersix


    This honestly wasn't even supposed to happen. It was a pure accident but as soon as I finished the show, this had to be done. The 90s called, they said they wanted Cybersix back!! Cybersix Opening:

  • Special - The Colors Within

    Special - The Colors Within

    The Colors Within is in theaters Friday, January 24!! Buy tickets at your local participating theater!!

  • Vol. 5.5 Homie Check-in - Pokémon Concierge and Bravery

    Vol. 5.5 Homie Check-in - Pokémon Concierge and Bravery

    You are all so much braver than you realize! Please let me tell you why!! GPC: