Episode 11: Jerry Fiori, Ottawa Disability Coalition; and Greg Rand, of The Canadian Museum of Nature

The Fulcrum Radio Show by The Fulcrum Radio Show

Episode notes

Today on the show,

We have an interview with Jerry Fiori of the Ottawa Disability Coalition. The Ottawa Disability Coalition is a network of organizations that have come together to advocate for a more equitable community that would ensure people with disabilities have the same opportunities in the City of Ottawa as every other citizen.

He's on the show to talk to us about some of the issues facing people with disabilities right now. Particularly in relation to new details that have come to light about the proposed civic hospital, the closest transit stop would be more than 500m away.

And Emma Williams is in conversation with Greg Rand, a bird enthusiast and the Assistant Collections Manager at the Canadian Museum of Nature. Right now, there is a big owl exhibit at the museum. Emma and Greg dive deep into owls and answer some o ... 

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cityofottawa disability owls nature canadianmuseumofnature civichospital