On placement from Valencia (with Estela and Irene)

The CeMi Podcast by Centre for the Cellular Microenvironment

Episode notes

Join us as we chat to two final year PhD students, Estela Sánchez González and Irene Monleón Guinot, about their 3-month placements at CeMi,

Estela has a Master's degree in Biomedical R&D and is undergoing a PhD at the Polytechnic University of Valencia (UPV) where she is exploring the design of 3D hydrogels as liver in vitro models for drug screening.

Irene studied Biotechnology at UPV, completed a Master's degree in Regenerative Biomedicine at the University of Granada, and is currently undergoing a PhD focused on developing an in vitro model of lung cancer at the University of Valencia.

Art by Chloe Rodgers

CeMi website: https://glasgow.thecemi.org/

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