Meeker's MadhouseExplicit
by Meeker's Madhouse
Welcome to the show! Now go listen to everything I've ever said!!!
Welcome to the show! Now go listen to everything I've ever said!!!
In today's episode I tell you a fool proof strategy to convert racists into happier folks without calling them names or being mean. If you can tolerate it, it's definitely worth the trouble. Then I make an argument for monogamy and marriage in a polyamorous world. Once again, it's worth the trouble. I promise. For my art: AnikinMeeker on IG
In today's episode I reflect on an observation; the timeline of life on earth and the timeline of the universe have many similarities! Then, I make an attempt at what that means for the future of humanity, the cosmos, and beyond. This episode was lots of fun to do and I hope it made you think in a way you never would have. I'm no expert on these things, simply interested in them. So if I got some stuff wrong don't get all up in a tizzy. Instead, feel free to comment and correct me or share your thoughts on the matter. I hope you enjoy the show! YOU can assist in the growth of this channel by subscribing, following, commenting and sharing! To see more of my art: AnikinMeeker on IG.
From supplements to influencers to aspiring olympia athletes. You can do better and you know it!!!! If you enjoyed the video help it grow! By sharing, liking, commenting or even following/subscribing my channel is shown to more people. So it actually does make a difference! Now click as many buttons as possible GO GO GO!!!! For art check out my Instagram: anikinmeeker