Hillel Fuld | Tech & The Torah | Israel-Hamas War | Conversation w/Shana Meyerson

The Yoga of War Podcast: Fighting for Israel & The Jewish People by Shana Meyerson

Episode notes

Hillel Fuld ( @hilzfuld ) is a world-renowned strategic advisor who literally left his extraordinarily successful career behind on 10/7, in order to follow a calling and devote himself full-time to Israel advocacy and fighting antisemitism.

The brother of Israeli folk hero, Ari Fuld, Hillel is blazing his own path in his brother's legendary footsteps to defend Israel on the 8th front: the war of words.

Hillel has been a relentless warrior in not only dispelling the anti-Israel myths and propaganda online, but also in teaching faith and morality through the lens of the Torah.

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