Marching for Hamas | Shana Meyerson YOGAthletica | Yoga of War Podcast

The Yoga of War Podcast: Fighting for Israel & The Jewish People by Shana Meyerson

Episode notes

If you are a yogi or yogini marching for Hamas or against the Jewish State, you owe it to yourself to tune in.

Words matter and intention matters and if you think you are fighting for social justice by supporting terrorism, it may be time to reexamine your values and motivations.

In this video, Shana Meyerson talks about the anti-Israel protestors that are filling our city streets and campuses, and the true implications of their so-called "progressive" ideals and actions.

Please consider supporting the show 🙏


Venmo: @miniyogis

Zelle: shana@yoga ... 

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israeljewishisrael podcastisrael gaza warantisemitismidfisrael defense forcesmiddle eastjewish podcastoctober 7ethicsmoralitysocial justiceinternational justiceICCICJinternational criminal courtinternational court of justicejudaismzionismanti-zionismencampmentsjewish civil rightsend jew hatredintersectionalityracismrace relationsrace politicsthe end of race politicswoke antisemitismfreedom of speechhamashezbollahterrorismwar on terror