John Spencer | Military Morality | Israel-Hamas War | Conversation With Shana Meyerson YOGAthletica

The Yoga of War Podcast: Fighting for Israel & The Jewish People by Shana Meyerson

Episode notes

John Spencer is the United States of America's foremost authority on urban warfare.

He is has been a unique and prominent voice of moral clarity vis-a-vis the Israel-Hamas War.

In light of the morally confounding support of Hamas terrorists in the Western World, Spencer has stepped up to be an ambassador of truth in a disturbingly post-factual, frighteningly Orwellian society.

In this LIVE conversation, Shana Meyerson of YOGAthletica and John Spencer discuss the humanity and morality of war and warfare and how it relates to Israel, the Israel Defense Forces ( @IsraelDefenseForces ), Hamas, and the people of Gaza.

If you are a yogi or yogini who believes that "ceasefire now" means peace, love, and ahimsa, listen to John Spencer as he presents the facts, and make an informed decision from there.

"Ceasefire Now" m ... 

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israeljewishisrael podcastisrael gaza warantisemitismidfisrael defense forcesmiddle eastjewish podcastoctober 7nova festivalwar crimesethicsmoralityjohn spencerurban warfareurban warfare project