THE WILD WIND | Chapter 11

THE WILD WIND | An American Gothic Tale by Cor Zim by Cor Zim | Radio Verté

Episode notes

Meet FANNIE, a whiskey-guzzling swindler who is not your typical widow. She takes advantage of men for survival, who, in turn, attempt to take advantage of her. Fannie, the greatest escape artist the Midwest has ever known, engages in a capricious dialogue with her dead husband, CECIL, while on a quest for the finest food and drink saloons stretching the great plains have to offer. Her love of dance, the pursuit of late-night fun, and vengeance for the men who wronged her make for a life on the lam that seems to know no limits, as no cage can hold her. But Fannie's lackadaisical nature and her fondness for fainting can't save her this time from the judge and jury, who scold down their high-held noses, "Not this time, Fannie."

Dedicated to Dr. George Anthony Zeller (1858-1938 ), whose vision and journals inspired this tale.

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