THE WILD WIND | Chapter 6

THE WILD WIND | An American Gothic Tale by Cor Zim by Cor Zim | Radio Verté

Episode notes

The last nail in the coffin of Sarah’s impending isolation is hammered by the death of Richie. Sarah confesses her relationship with “Nazi pills” she steals from the asylum, reformed in what she views as a fascist vision of hell since the death of the progressive Doctor Zolla. Sarah begins her rapid descent into a decades-long state of madness. Ronald Reagan closes the Hilltop, and the patients walk the streets of the nearby city of Grandview, where they eat out of dumpsters and freeze to death in the winter.

Dedicated to Dr. George Anthony Zeller (1858-1938 ), whose vision and journals inspired this tale.

Written & Narrated by Cory Zim

Produced by Radio Verté

Executive Producer, Cory Zim

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