• The Truce
  • The Queen of the Jungles of South...

The Queen of the Jungles of South Central, Bird talks incarceration, gangs, drugs and redemption.

The Truce by Talk 2 Me Network

Episode notes

The Truce - Welcome to The Jungle w. Bird. Female incarceration for gangs and drugs and redemption - Ep.5

Postman Melly MelMalik SpellmanDaude SherrillsThe truceThe truce podcastWatts CAsouth central LAGang Truce of 9292 gang trucebloods and cripsgang bangingtrumpDonald trumptalk 2 me networkhip hopHistory of LA street gangshistory of bloods and cripsshadow governmentsecret societyHarris vs trump 20242024 presidential electionsBirdblack p stone bloodsthe junglesfemale prisonerfemale gang bangerfemale prison storyprison storyqueen of the jungles