
The Security box, podcast 210: OCR can be used for bad?

The technology blog and podcast and TSB by Jared Rimer

Episode notes
Hello folks, welcome to program number 210 of the security box. What do you think when it comes to OCR? If you're disabled, you know that it helps you identify print in to spoken word for you to know what is on the printed page. However, this is not what we're talking about. OCR is now being used to get information, and it may be information you don't want escaping. Besides this topic, we're going to have the news, the notes, and the landscape as well. We appreciate those of you who are downloading and listening to our podcast whether its through RSS, the direct links we provide through TSB's directory or blog, or even if you listen through replays through your respective channel or the independent channel directly. OCR used for bad Yes, we said OCR for bad. This is bad.  ...  Read more