
August 7th 2024; all things WATER with Sally Davis • Solar Flares • timeline jumping

the Sacred Door Bitch by Vicki Veranese

Episode notes

Apologies for the choppy video if you are watching on youtube @SekhmetSpeaks and the sometimes audio in and out – the signal is mediocre

Introducing Sally Davis – Water Woman her experience wisdom of Water and how she has made it her ally

the memory of water – google search on steroids!

https://www.vedaaustin.com is the water researcher she mentions

drinking clay

entrainment – how good water influences its surroundings how free range eggs effect ‘normal’ ones when placed together

conscious radiance

boundaries as an empath

a conversation with water through song

the personality of different bodies of water

timeline / slip stream jumping

challenge over hardshi ... 

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lionsgateastronomyastrologyi of raessenceritualsrunesdeck of raoracle of raSolar Flareheliocentrictimeline jumpingwater