
Mental Health S01 E10

The Randal Report by The Randal Report

Episode notes

Until recently, the idea of talking about mental health in personal terms was quite rare, for the stigma attached to the health of the mind was so great, that the mere mention of it often resulted in friends giving you a wide berth and in the context of one’s professional life, often resulted in one being surreptitiously manoeuvred out of one’s job. Whilst attitudes have improved, with seemingly a greater understanding and sensitivity surrounding mental health issues, in my opinion, it still remains the reality in the commercial world, that most companies will still view those who are brave enough to talk about their own mental health struggles, as a liability and there is plenty of evidence to support this assertion. Whilst there has been a welcome change in the attitude of employers, I am less certain that it is but lip service being paid to ma ... 

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