The House of Eaves, Part 1

The Questing Network by The Stillfleet Studio

Episode notes

Team Bean. The Legumen. Legends of the Legumes. The storied team of Beans, Fasole, Hirsute and Bessemer convene in the Port of Turnip in Copia. It’s always Autumn in Copia, and the Pavilion of The Seasons is in full blustery swing. Or would be, if the haunted houses representing each Season hadn’t shut down. It’s Questing time! Time to interview labor, and interrogate management! Because something might be eating the actors. What haunts a haunted house? Could it be…ANOTHER HOUSE?

The team

  • Jeff Beltran, Hirsute the Skeleton Needle
  • Ben Ferber, Fasole Giltzurruna the “Angel” (Dæmon) Knight
  • Ethan Gould, the Game Manager
  • Wythe Marschall, DCI Beans the Talking Skunk Unnaturalist
  • Erica Simpson, Bessemer N ... 
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