The Truth about Karma

The Goddess Vibration by Tiarra Earls Haas and Ali O'Shea

Episode notes

What goes around comes around - that is common thinking around Karma. But what if Karma and it's impact extends much more deeply than that? In this episode, Ali and Tiarra explore Karma and explain why it is more than just energetic payback.

Karma is the Universe's way of achieving balance and is an important Universal Law. This law states that for every action, there is a reaction. For every cause, there is an effect. We like to think that Karma might "get us" if we act in a way that is harmful, but it isn't something to fear or run from. Karma helps us learn from our ways so that we can capture the lesson and know how to do better.

So if you have had hardship, it might not just be about having bad luck. Maybe there is a need for something within yourself to be balanced. Karma helps you discover what that may be.

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self improvementstorytellingconsciousnessspirituality