Feeling defeated, confused, and at his wit's end after his failure at the Westminster alley, Leon wasted no time jumping on the next concrete lead he found. Taking a hostage alone, he's determined to find more information about this "Cult of the All-Seeing Eye." The only question is, what will he find? CREDITS: Leon Adler - Jackson Bandy Monty Warbler - Wade Stout Amelia Harper - Lily Sorensen Gene Fitzgerald Jr. - Kline Howell Gabriel Harth - Zeir Carpenter NULL - Jazmyn Taylor Intro & Outro Credits Narrator - Nathan Bradley Show Narrator - Jazmyn Taylor Eleanor Fitzgerald - Riley Anslow Jody Phillips - Riley Anslow Sally Butler - Rose Wardlow Ben Bradley - Douglas Bungard Elliot Finch - Douglas Bungard Crime Scene Investigators - Douglas Bungard Valerie - Jazmyn Taylor C.E.T.A. Defense Units - Joshua Radloff, Andy Felt, & Nathan Bradley C.E.T.A. Pistol - Sophie Wheeler Gene's Hat - Nathan Bradley Nurse - Sophie Wheeler Background Voices - Joshua Radloff, Riley Anslow, Douglas Bungard & Rose Wardlow Playwright - Douglas Bungard Directors- Andy Felt & Nathan Bradley Project Manager - Sophie Wheeler Asst. Project Manager - Lais Flores Lead Dialogue - Sophie Wheeler Lead Ambient - River Perry Asst. Ambient - Ian Hufford Lead Sound Effects - Brendon Thompson Lead Underscore - Dallas Lacey Concept Art Team - Rose Wardlow, Sophia Abrusci, & Rika Nakasuji Thank you to Marietta College for allowing us to use the Dreamwaver Studio for this project. (A link to the purchasable rights for the stageplay version of the script will be available here upon the release of the finale.)