That Christian Girl ┃Tips on reaching your full Godly potential

by Kyla G

Hi! My name is Kyla, and I'm the host of That Christian Girl Podcast, a podcast that is devoted to helping any Christian reach their full potential! Join me every week for a new episode, and follow me on Instagram @thatchristiangirl.podcast for more updates, or email me at My DMs and email are always open! A ... 

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Podcast episodes

  • 38. what God has been teaching me lately (and why I've been mia)

    38. what God has been teaching me lately (and why I've been mia)

    Hey everyone! I am so excited to be back to uploading episodes again! In today's episode, I talk about what God has been teaching me these past few months, and going back to God after you've been far from him. This episode is definitely real and raw, but I hope that the authenticity will help encourage your heart and help you in a hard season. I am so sorry for my long absence, but I am so excited to be uploading episodes again! Make sure to follow me on instagram at @thatchristiangirl.podcast or email me at if you have any questions! You are all such a blessing! Thank you so much for listening today <3

  • 37. if you feel stuck in this season

    37. if you feel stuck in this season

    Hello everyone! In today's episode, we dive into different seasons in life- spiritual and literal! I have been learning so many things about the importance of living in the moment, that you're in this season for a reason, and finally that seasons will eventually pass! If you have any questions or want some extra explanation, make sure to reach out to me either on Instagram at @thatchristiangirl.podcast or through email at Thank you so much for listening today, and I'll see you in the next episode!

  • 36. Q & A- organization tips, balance, temptation, and more!

    36. Q & A- organization tips, balance, temptation, and more!

    Hey everyone! I absolutely LOVED doing this episode! It was my first Q&A episode, and I hope to do more in the future! If you want me to expand on any of the things I talked about in this episode, or you have questions for a future Q&A episode, make sure to email me at or DM me on Instagram at @thatchristiangirl.podcast Thank you so much for listening, and I'll talk to you all next week!

  • 35. what is distracting us from God?

    35. what is distracting us from God?

    Hey everyone! In today's episode I talk all about something that's been weighing on my mind lately- distractions. It is so easy to get distracted in this world, but what are some ways we can combat distractions and reach our full Godly potential? Listen to today's episode for an explanation of what some distractions we have in our everyday lives, when distractions become idols, and what we can do to put God first in everything we do. I hope you enjoyed today's episode! Thank you so much for your support, and stay tuned for more fun episodes to come!

  • 34. Valentine's Day and the true meaning of love

    34. Valentine's Day and the true meaning of love

    Valentine's Day is upon us!!! It's so easy for us to get discouraged, or get really excited about this holiday! The Romcoms, heart chocolates, and couples everywhere is soooo fun (or maybe it's not). But this Valentine's Day, I wanted to remind you what love really means- and what true love is!!! This episode will remind you of the origin of love- God, and the #1 example of real true love is Jesus dying on the cross for us! I'll also cover the gift of singleness, and then also what you can do this Valentine's Day (whether you're single or taken) to remind yourself of God's love and some ideas on how you can treat yourself to a solo date for Valentine's Day (but you're not actually going solo, you're going with Jesus to spend time with him!) Thank you so much for listening to this episode, and I'm looking forward to seeing everyone in the next one!