The Tech Less Podcast

by April Rust

The Tech Less Podcast with your host April Rust helps you feel less stressed and more focused to calm the chaos of consulting.

Season 1: Through interviews with technology and well-being leaders, we uncover insights and tips to increase influence on project success, while doing less and living more in an industry obsessed with constant optimization.

Season 2: Live M ... 

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Podcast episodes

  • Season 2

  • 2.5 Should you Love your Job or List it?!

    2.5 Should you Love your Job or List it?!

    In this episode, I answer the question "should I stay or should I go" referring to your current job. At the crux of the answer is understanding deep-down the kind of role and environment you need to feel supported and to feel good/thrive. You will leave this episode with a framework to take that decision into your own hands - with confidence!

  • 2.4 Energy Management for a more Peaceful You

    2.4 Energy Management for a more Peaceful You

    In this episode I share my two favorite resources that have been incredibly healing in learning about managing my own energy to live more peaceful days. I also take you through an audit of where you spend your time so you can identify what is draining versus energizing, and what to do about it. If you're on the hamster wheel of life and sensing there has to be another way, this is for you. Resources: Learn more about Kate Northrup and her book Do Less at Learn more about Human Design and Dr. Nicole at

  • 2.3 How to Overcome 4 Core Mindset Beliefs to Improve your Workload + Start Living More.

    2.3 How to Overcome 4 Core Mindset Beliefs to Improve your Workload + Start Living More.

    In this episode of Season 2, we unpack the four core limiting beliefs that hold us back from reaching out goals. Key Takeaways Our mindsets and beliefs have immense power to lead us towards our goals or derail us The 4 core mindset limiting beliefs are: overwhelm, perfectionism, not feeling enough, and comfort/busyness Use the ABC (Activating event, Belief, Consequence) model to understand how beliefs influence emotions/behaviors The key is recognizing limiting beliefs, pausing before reacting, and choosing an empowered response Topics The Power of Mindset Mindset is the #1 factor in achieving goals Beliefs can propel us forward or sabotage our efforts We often have learned self-limiting beliefs that hold us back The 4 Core Mindset Blocks The overwhelm story: "I don't know where to start" The perfectionist story: "It's not perfect yet, I'm afraid to fail" The "not enough" story: Doubting capabilities and worth The comfort story: "I'm too busy, I don't have time" Using the ABC Model A = Activating event (e.g. client request) B = Belief/inner talk track (e.g. "I'm incompetent") C = Consequence/behavior (e.g. overworking, missing plans) Understand this cycle to intercept and change consequences Hitting Pause When triggered, pause before reacting from old beliefs Take a break, re-evaluate from a calmer mindset Decide on an empowered response aligned with your values

  • 2.2 Guided Visualization to Get Clear on your Values and What's Holding you Back

    2.2 Guided Visualization to Get Clear on your Values and What's Holding you Back

    Key Takeaways Identify personal values and envision your ideal life to gain clarity on priorities Let go of limiting beliefs and self-doubt holding you back Take small daily actions to reclaim your spirit and feel more alive Topics Guided Visualization Exercise Imagine your ideal life 3 years from now Envision your dream job/work situation that aligns with your values Reflect on what you love most about this vision and what's different from current reality Consider what you need to let go of to make room for this new life Reclaiming Yourself Identify 3 things you have control over that you can do daily to feel more alive Become aware of limiting mindsets like fear, perfectionism, and self-doubt

  • 2.1 Get to know April's "Why" + Mini-Series [Live More, Earn More] Introduction

    2.1 Get to know April's "Why" + Mini-Series [Live More, Earn More] Introduction

    After years struggling to maintain an enjoyable work-life balance (aka integrating life and work), in 2021 I learned the systems to get back my identity and time, and improve my life satisfaction from a D- to an A. Now I want to help other underpaid and overworked tech professionals shorten the learning curve to living and earning more. In this Mini-Series, I unpack the reasons why we struggle to have a healthy workload (that are within our control) and give you systems to help you identify what you want from life, how work fits into that, and how to make meaningful change to enjoy life more without sacrificing your performance/income. If and when you're ready, here's how I can help: Subscribe to this podcast for tips and tricks on navigating your career and wellbeing in the tech industry Follow me on LinkedIn for content on career growth, delivery excellence, and work-life balance Apply to partner with me 1:1 to improve your satisfaction with life and work (LinkedIn DM) LinkedIn: