Teaching Restored

by Kevin Joens

Exploring the HOW of teaching the restored gospel for the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. Think of this as your weekly Teacher Council Meeting. RSSVERIFY

Podcast episodes

  • Season 1

  • E47: Dealing with Disruptive Class Members (Listener Question)

    E47: Dealing with Disruptive Class Members (Listener Question)

    "We have some people who are derailing the class, who are long winded and they contradict others. They take over the class, in a way, and disrupt the flow of what she's trying to teach, which is frustrating for every teacher." Have you ever been in that position? We all have. It's tough. So how do we deal with it? How do we create a healthy classroom culture where each member has enough trust in the others that they can share what might be intimate feelings? Kevin and Julie answer a question that was submitted and discuss ways to help turn around a classroom culture from a bit toxic and long-winded to containing psychological safety so all can participate. https://teachingrestored.com

  • E46: How to Help Youth Share Their Testimonies

    E46: How to Help Youth Share Their Testimonies

    Too many times we teach the youth and we speak at them. When we do, they shut up. They don't share. Not their feelings, not their testimonies, not anything sometimes. But if we don't talk, neither will they! So what do we do? Julie takes us through a discussion on... - What a testimony REALLY is - How do we help the youth articulate their testimony - How do we create an environment where they feel comfortable sharing it. Using the tips shared, you will find that their testimonies will flow naturally, without coercion, and they will be sincere. With practical things you can take away, we are sure you are going to love the discussion and the insights you will be able to use when you teach the Savior's youth.

  • E45: 5 Ways to Teach your Family at Home

    E45: 5 Ways to Teach your Family at Home

    How many times have we wanted to teach our family the gospel, so we model it after the classes at church? We gather everyone around and a parent leads a discussion and speaks way too much and the kids are not engaged. After a few times of doing this, they dread "family scripture study" and you want to give up. Instead of teaching the same way they learn at church, how else can we teach our family the gospel? We talk about teaching by... - Discussions - Environment - Habits - Circumstances - Example

  • E44: Increase Faith with Experiences

    E44: Increase Faith with Experiences

    Once you give an invitation to act on what they have learned, now what? How do we take the information and create experiences that change lives? In this episode, Julie uses the scientific process to teach us how to act and build faith. We look at Experimenting with Faith, Primary vs. Secondary Questions, Faith vs. Perfect Knowledge. Data Collection and Evidence in Faith, and much more.

  • E43: Create Experiences with Invitations

    E43: Create Experiences with Invitations

    How do we get the learning deep inside of us? How do we take the teachings and make them a part of who we are? The best way we have found is through experiences. This is the first topic of two talking about creating experiences for our learners. Learning information can only take us so far. If we don't use it and experience it, it can be quickly forgotten. This would be the opposite of what we want learners to do with the gospel of Jesus Christ.