SuperCool MisRuleExplicit

by Atlas Scribe

Ass Souls Rule's School's podcast SuperCool MisRule features Atlas Scribe exploring the following questions in a variety of ways:

  1. WTF is really going on in life behind the scenes?
  2. Why does all this shit happen?
  3. What isn’t bullshit?

Why is Atlas exploratoril ... 

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Podcast episodes

  • Season 1

  • Gooey G.U.I.


    Gooey G.U.I.


    Welcome to Episode 3 of SuperCool MisRule: Gooey G.U.I. When I was a teenager I observed that the possessive tense clued me into something very interesting. And even now in preparing Episode 3 I’ve gone deeper into it than I have to date, which has proven to still be very interesting and fun, and unexpectedly linked together some ideas I’ve pondered for a while. There always seems to be more onion layers to peel back in this never-ending story we’re playing in. Now, why would I even be pondering the possessive tense as a teenager? I think I was studying French at the time and it’s simply how my mind works…random insights or associations occur in me as I’m reading, studying, reflecting, watching, or contemplating some mundane thing especially when I’m being logical or attempting to figure shit out or simply exploring my curiosity. So, let’s go down this possessive tense rabbit hole together....

  • Have You Ever...?


    Have You Ever...?


    Welcome to Episode 2 of SuperCool MisRule: Have You Ever? We’re going to play a game that I call — Have You Ever? This is a very simple game. All I do is ask 'Have you ever experienced such & such…' And if you have experienced it, then you acknowledge it to yourself and keep count. This game is mainly for you to see yourself and your experience through a wider lens. Perhaps they’re experiences you’ve dismissed, or never mentioned to anyone or forgotten about, or frightened you as too out of the ordinary or thought that no one would believe you (oh no, I believe you) or something else. You'll need this context in preparation for the follow-on episodes.

  • The Quest's in the Question


    The Quest's in the Question


    Welcome to Episode 1 of SuperCool MisRule: The Quest’s in the Question. Hi, I’m Atlas Scribe. My Ass Souls Rule's School's podcast SuperCool MisRule is for those interested in exploratorily questing these questions with me: WTF is really going on in life behind the scenes? Why does all this shit happen? What isn’t bullshit? Now, why these questions? Well, let me tell you a little story about myself and how these questions came about… Podcast Information Speaker: Atlas Scribe Producer: Ass Souls Rule Duration: 17.5 minutes Music Credits: Lyrics by Atlas Scribe; Composed & Produced by Zoe Wynns Style: Plain Speaking