• The Spirit Pt. 3 - "The Purpose o...

The Spirit Pt. 3 - "The Purpose of Gifts"


Episode notes

As we reach the halfway point in our “SPIRIT” series, our hope is to approach the gifts of the Spirit with openness, allowing room for growth, rather than rigid definitions. For over 2,000 years, the church has been discovering the depth of the Spirit’s work and our journey should be marked by both curiosity and surrender.

Different Christian traditions emphasize various aspects of the Spirit’s work and labels like "Spirit-filled" can be misleading. Paul highlights the Spirit’s role in redemption and new life, while Luke focuses on empowerment and miracles. Rather than viewing these as opposing perspectives, we should embrace the richness they offer, recognizing the Spirit’s diverse and dynamic activity.

Whether one sees the gifts as fixed lists or open-ended expressions, scripture makes it clear that they exist to equip believers for ... 

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