Strength Talk Podcast

by Lauran Martyn

Welcome to Strength Talk, the podcast that's breaking the mold in the world of women's fitness and wellness!

🌟 Join Women's Strength & Nutrition Coach Lauran Martyn on a journey towards a holistic and evidence-based approach to health that goes beyond the surface.

Strength Talk is tailor-made for those seeking authentic and sustainable fitness advice. Say goodbye to restrictive diets and societal beauty sta ... 

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Podcast episodes

  • Season 1

  • S1E7 - How the Body Grows Muscle, Build Strength, & Loses Body Fat

    S1E7 - How the Body Grows Muscle, Build Strength, & Loses Body Fat

    Summary In this episode of Strength Talk, Coach Lauren discusses the biological processes involved in muscle building, strength building, and fat loss. She emphasizes the importance of understanding these processes to make informed decisions about training and nutrition. The three key factors in muscle building are muscle tension, muscle damage, and metabolic stress. Strength building involves neurological adaptations, movement efficiency, muscle mass, biomechanics, fatigue and stress, and excitability. Fat loss is achieved through an energy deficit and optimizing metabolism. Coach Lauren also highlights the importance of proper sleep, exercise, movement, and stress management before focusing on fat loss. Takeaways *Understanding the biological processes of muscle building, strength building, and fat loss is crucial for making informed decisions about training and nutrition. *Muscle building requires muscle tension, muscle damage, and metabolic stress. *Strength building involves neurological adaptations, movement efficiency, muscle mass, biomechanics, fatigue and stress, and excitability. *Fat loss is achieved through an energy deficit and optimizing metabolism. Prioritize proper sleep, exercise, movement, and stress management before focusing on fat loss. Get MORE from the Pod!- Becoming a Patron allows you to support the podcast while giving you access to exclusive content that accompanies each episode. I'd Love to Connect with You On Social Media!

  • S1E6 - Is Your Relationship with Food Hurting Your Health?

    S1E6 - Is Your Relationship with Food Hurting Your Health?

    Summary In this episode, Coach Lauran discusses the importance of having a positive relationship with food. She shares her own journey with food and various diets she has tried. She highlights the signs of a damaged relationship with food and the impact it can have on mental and physical health. Coach Lauran explains what a healthy relationship with food looks like, emphasizing the importance of surrendering to the process and trusting your body. She provides practical tips for improving your relationship with food, such as regulating social media and journaling. Takeaways Having a positive relationship with food is crucial for overall well-being. Signs of a damaged relationship with food include obsessing over thoughts about food, feeling guilty or ashamed after eating, and struggling to eat in front of others. A healthy relationship with food involves feeling connected to your body, honoring its needs, and enjoying meals without guilt or restriction. To improve your relationship with food, surrender to the process, pay attention to your language around food, and take food risks. Regulating social media and journaling can also be helpful in developing a positive relationship with food. Get MORE from the Pod!- Becoming a Patron allows you to support the podcast while giving you access to exclusive content that accompanies each episode. I'd Love to Connect with You On Social Media!   / coachlauran     / coachlauran

  • S1E5 - Periodization, Programming & RPE Scale

    S1E5 - Periodization, Programming & RPE Scale

    In this episode, Coach Lauran discusses programming, periodization, and RPE in the context of fitness training. She explains the concept of periodization and how it is used to divide the training process into specific phases. She emphasizes the importance of individualized training and how periodization can be adapted to the goals of the general population. Coach Lauran also explores the three principles of training and the different types of training cycles. She concludes by discussing the RPE scale and its benefits in training. Takeaways *Periodization is a concept of training that involves dividing the training process into specific phases. *Individualized training is important for achieving optimal results. *The three principles of training are the general adaptation syndrome, specific adaptations to imposed demands, and progressive overload. *Different types of training cycles include macro cycles, meso cycles, and micro cycles. *The RPE scale is a tool used to measure the intensity of exercise based on the individual's perception of exertion. Get MORE from the Pod!- Becoming a Patron allows you to support the podcast while giving you access to exclusive content that accompanies each episode. I'd Love to Connect with You On Social Media!

  • S1E4 - Are Carbs Bad For You?

    S1E4 - Are Carbs Bad For You?

    In this episode, Lauran Martyn discusses carbohydrates and addresses common misconceptions and concerns. She explains the different types of carbohydrates, how the body utilizes them, and the importance of glucose for the central nervous system. Lauran also explores the effects of low carbohydrate diets on athletic performance and the consequences of not consuming enough carbohydrates. She discusses the concept of carbohydrate addiction and the role of hyperpalatable foods. Finally, Lauran provides guidance on determining carbohydrate needs and emphasizes the importance of mindful eating and moderation. Takeaways *There are different types of carbohydrates, including simple and complex carbs. *Glucose is essential for the central nervous system and low carbohydrate diets can lead to fatigue. *Excessive carbohydrate intake can be caused by a lack of mindfulness, using food to cope with emotions, and the addictive nature of hyperpalatable foods. *Carbohydrate addiction is a complex issue that can be influenced by individual factors such as trauma, ADHD, and behavioral addictions. *Determining carbohydrate needs requires trial and error, mindful eating, and incorporating complex carbohydrates into the diet. Support the Podcast! - Becoming a Patron allows you to support the podcast while giving you access to exclusive content that accompanies each episode. I'd Love to Connect with You On Social Media!

  • S1E3 - Strength & Conditioning 101

    S1E3 - Strength & Conditioning 101

    In this episode of Strength Talk, host Lauren Martin discusses the importance of strength and conditioning in a well-rounded fitness routine. She explains the benefits of strength training, including its impact on neuromuscular disorders, prevention of degenerative conditions, and improvement of heart health. Lauren differentiates between strength training and weight training, emphasizing the importance of progressive training for strength gains. She also explores the difference between cardio and conditioning, highlighting the role of conditioning in improving endurance and performance. Lauren concludes by announcing the upcoming release of strength and conditioning programs. Takeaways *Strength training has numerous benefits, including improving neuromuscular disorders, preventing degenerative conditions, and increasing metabolism. *Progressive training is essential for strength gains, focusing on higher loads and lower rep ranges. *Conditioning is important for improving endurance and performance in strength training. *A well-rounded fitness routine should include strength training as the foundation, with other forms of exercise as supplemental *Upcoming strength and conditioning programs will be released, offering comprehensive training for different fitness goals. Support the Podcast! - Becoming a Patron allows you to support the podcast while giving you access to exclusive content that accompanies each episode. I'd Love to Connect with You On Social Media!