Episode notes
In this video, Dr. Catherine Hart, ENT surgeon at Cincinnati Children’s, discusses the endoscopic repair of minor laryngeal clefts, highlighting key surgical techniques and considerations. She explains the importance of accurately diagnosing these subtle clefts using combined evaluations and the criteria for deciding when surgery is necessary.
Key Points Covered:
- When to Operate: Indications include persistent respiratory symptoms, aspiration, or recurrent infections in children.
- Surgical Technique: The procedure involves removing the interarytenoid mucosa, using precise suturing to prevent issues like inverted edges, and ensuring complete demucosalization at the apex.
- Postoperative Care: Patients are monitored overnight and follow a preoperative ...
pediatric surgerypediatricaspirationentswallowingendoscopicrepairminor laryngeal cleftsrespiratoryinterarytenoid mucosa,demucosalizationsupraglottic infectionsscarring