Fetoscopy In-Brief with Dr. Jose Peiro

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Episode notes

In this video, Dr. Jose Peiro from Cincinnati Children’s discusses the groundbreaking role of fetoscopy in modern fetal surgery, offering hope for conditions like Twin to Twin Transfusion Syndrome (TTTS), amniotic band syndrome, and congenital diaphragmatic hernia (CDH). Fetoscopy, a minimally invasive technique, allows surgeons to intervene in utero and improve survival outcomes by targeting the root causes of these conditions.

Host: Em Gootee

Key Highlights:

  • Twin to Twin Transfusion Syndrome (TTTS): Using fetoscopy to photocoagulate blood vessel connections between twins, reducing the risks for both babies.
  • Amniotic Band Syndrome: Releasing amniotic bands in the womb to prevent potential amputations or complications for the developing fetus.
  • Congen ... 
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pediatric surgeryfetuscincinnati childrencdhfetocongenital diaphragmatic herniafetal surgerypediatricfetal developmentfetal therapycincinnati childrensem gooteeurologyfetoscopyin brieftttstwin to twin transfusionamniotic band syndrome