Scholars and Servants: Community Service at the High School

#SMWay Podcast by Daniel Bader

Episode notes

Today we’re talking about the National Honor Society at the high school and the real commitment that society has to community service.

I think maybe we don’t celebrate enough the community service our students do. Just last week the Lakeview Elementary Student Council donated dozens of toys to an animal shelter and a box of tennis balls to the police department’s K-9 Unit - Rocket, who happily accepted them.

This winter the middle school spent six weeks or more on community service projects to build a sense of community inside the school.

At the high school level, the National Honor Society is one of the main vehicles for students to give back. In honor of the nearly 40 students inducted this week into the society, I thought it would be a good time to shed some light on that group and what they do for the school.

educationstudentscommunity serviceNational Honor Society