Sleepin' It Real

by Seth Davis

Sleepin' It Real is a light-hearted podcast about sleep and wellness. Seth Davis, a certified adult sleep coach, delivers a wide-ranging blend of guest interviews and expert sleep advice to keep listeners well-rested and healthy. RSSVERIFY

Podcast episodes

  • Season 1

  • Unlocking Your Best Life by Investing in Sleep

    Unlocking Your Best Life by Investing in Sleep

    This is the final episode of season one of the Sleepin' It Real podcast, hosted by professional sleep coach Seth Davis. During this episode, Seth discusses why investing in improving your sleep is a smart move and why the return on investment for doing so is great.

  • The Intersection of Sleep and Exercise

    The Intersection of Sleep and Exercise

    Join Seth Davis and personal trainer Todd Cheek as they discuss the importance of exercise, sleep, and nutrition for overall health.

  • Better Sleep, Better Life: The Sleep Journey Program

    Better Sleep, Better Life: The Sleep Journey Program

    Join Seth Davis as he introduces his Sleep Journey program — an online course designed to help people get better sleep and become the energized and happier person they want to be. Learn how Sleep Journey helps you to let go of pressure and worry, look forward to bedtime, increase positivity and optimism, stay calm in stressful situations, enjoy your days instead of worrying about sleep, and have better moods and health due to improved sleep quality. Visit or contact Seth directly at for more information.

  • 3 Sleep Truths to Ease Your Mind

    3 Sleep Truths to Ease Your Mind

    On the latest episode of Sleepin' It Real, host Seth Davis delves into three key truths about sleep that everyone should know for a healthier mindset about sleep.

  • Bid Farewell to Bedtime Battles: Meet Pediatric Sleep Consultant Sara Nudd

    Bid Farewell to Bedtime Battles: Meet Pediatric Sleep Consultant Sara Nudd

    In this episode of the Sleepin' It Real podcast, host Seth Davis interviews his colleague, pediatric sleep consultant Sara Nudd, about what goes into helping families get a good night's rest. Tune in to learn more about pediatric sleep consulting and get some tips for improving your family's sleep.