Sheep Get Sheared

by Austin Creed

Self-Improvement, Relationships, and Life Advice with a healthy dose of Political/Cultural Commentary. Stop getting sheared and start succeeding!

Podcast episodes

  • Season 1

  • Where Have The Good Girls Gone? | How to Maneuver Through Female Manipulation

    Where Have The Good Girls Gone? | How to Maneuver Through Female Manipulation

    In the insightful episode, we delve into the elusive concept of the "good girl" and the realities of romantic pursuit in modern society. This episode critically examines whether the idea of the "good girl" is a societal construct designed to offer women protection and stability or if it's a disappearing reality in today's complex dating landscape. We begin by exploring the notion that "good girls," as traditionally envisioned, might have been part of a narrative used by women historically to align themselves with societal expectations that ensured their security and social standing. We discuss how this portrayal has been challenged and reshaped by contemporary values and behaviors, questioning whether it was ever a reality or merely a romanticized ideal. Further, we address the significant influence of media and culture, particularly romance novels and Disney narratives, on both women and men's expectations of love and relationships. We argue that these stories have contributed to a widespread "Disneyfication" of love expectations, where men are often led to become "true love junkies," relentlessly pursuing an ideal that may not exist in reality. Moreover, we tackle the economic angle, highlighting how vast industries thrive on the male pursuit of love—or more crudely, the pursuit of "pussy." We discuss how these industries manipulate basic human desires and emotions to profit from men's romantic endeavors, often at the expense of men's emotional and financial well-being. In this episode, we empower our listeners, particularly men, with strategies to develop what we term "clairvoyance" in relationships—a keen ability to see beyond the surface pleasures and manipulations to understand the true nature of interpersonal dynamics. We encourage men to recognize the traps set by nature and nurture alike and to approach relationships with a more critical and self-aware perspective. Asking where have the good girls gone is not just a question, but a starting point for a deeper exploration into the complexities of modern relationships and the roles men and women play within them. It’s an episode that challenges listeners to question their assumptions and to navigate their romantic lives with both their hearts and minds wide open. 📖 → Order Biblical Bachelor today: 🫶 → Support our Patreon Page:

  • Puritans vs. Pragmatists | Why Your Favorite Tradcons Don't Discuss Relationship Realities

    Puritans vs. Pragmatists | Why Your Favorite Tradcons Don't Discuss Relationship Realities

    We are taking a critical look at the division within the traditional conservative movement, with a specific focus on the hesitance to delve into topics such as marriage and sex. This episode delves into the ideological tensions between Puritanism and pragmatism among conservative commentators, exploring the reasons why some may avoid these fundamental discussions. We can start by defining the terms "Puritans" and "pragmatists" within the conservative spectrum. Puritans are those who strictly adhere to traditional values without much flexibility, while pragmatists are more willing to adapt these values to the changing dynamics of modern society. We can explore how these distinctions play out in discussions about marriage and sexuality, where many traditional conservatives ("tradcons") often hesitate to fully embrace their purported values. Our discussion focuses significantly on the idea that modern ideologies sometimes label marriage and sexual norms as oppressive. This challenges the traditional stance and leads to a paradox where advocates for traditional lifestyles may avoid discussing the institutions that support these lifestyles. We explore how this avoidance may stem from a fear of being perceived as oppressive or outdated. We also encourage our listeners, especially those who align with conservative values, to uphold consistency in their beliefs and conversations. We advocate for open and honest discussions on controversial topics such as marriage and sex, stressing the significance of not compromising one's stance under external influences or prevailing narratives. Today's behind-the-scenes show encourages listeners to critically evaluate whether they are truly upholding their values or if they are merely performing traditionalism when it is convenient. It’s an episode that calls for integrity and consistency, encouraging traditional conservatives not to shy away from the difficult conversations that define their ideology. Join us for an episode that is as introspective as it is challenging. It’s a deep dive into the ideological struggles within the conservative movement, offering a clarion call for genuine engagement with all aspects of traditional values. 📖 → Order Biblical Bachelor today: 🫶 → Support our Patreon Page:

  • Overcoming Adversity | Are Women And Wealth Enough To Motivate Men?

    Overcoming Adversity | Are Women And Wealth Enough To Motivate Men?

    This episode explores the disenfranchisement of many, especially young men, and challenges traditional motivators such as relationships and financial success. We begin by examining the changes in societal structures and expectations, highlighting the fact that unlike previous generations, many young men today lack clear incentives to strive and succeed. We address the increasing support for women through various initiatives in many cultural narratives, while noting the comparative lack of support systems for men, and in some cases, even discouragement. The focus of our discussion is whether traditional motivators such as relationships with women and the accumulation of wealth are enough to inspire men to confront and overcome adversity. We are questioning whether these incentives are in line with the internal drives and values of men today or if they are merely societal expectations imposed from the outside. Additionally, we explore the complex nature of success for men. We discuss how men often lack support and empathy when they fail or encounter struggles. Conversely, when they do succeed, there is a societal pressure to dictate how they should use their success—whether it's through expectations of monogamy, charitable giving, or conforming to specific political or moral frameworks. Today's unconventional discussion challenges listeners to think critically about what truly motivates them beyond the conventional markers of success. This episode encourages men to define for themselves what success looks like and to seek out personal motivations that resonate more deeply with their individual aspirations and values. Join us for an episode that is both reflective and provocative. It offers a comprehensive examination of the challenges and drives of the modern man, providing insights into how societal changes have reshaped what motivates men in the 21st century. 📖 → Order Biblical Bachelor today: 🫶 → Support our Patreon Page:

  • Robber Barons & Simp Enforcers | Interlocking Directorships | How Men Have Been Disenfranchised

    Robber Barons & Simp Enforcers | Interlocking Directorships | How Men Have Been Disenfranchised

    This episode delves into the impact of powerful tech companies and their leaders, who are often referred to as the new age "tech robber barons," on the disenfranchisement of men, particularly in the realm of social interactions and the dating scene. We will start by analyzing how major technology companies have successfully unified discussions and stories in the public sphere, using their platforms to influence societal norms and expectations. We will explore the impact of these companies in promoting specific behaviors and shielding certain groups—especially women and what we refer to as "vulnerable men"—from the harsh realities and criticisms of the world, thereby creating an unequal playing field. The core of our discussion revolves around the concept of "hoeflation," which refers to the inflation in the dating market resulting from certain imbalances. We examine how tech leaders and platforms serve as 'Simp Enforcers,' safeguarding and encouraging behaviors that increase the social and economic challenges of dating and relationships. This puts many men at a disadvantage, leading them to be marginalized in this evolving social landscape. Furthermore, we explore the concept of interlocking directorships, demonstrating how the shared board members of these tech companies form a closely connected network of influence that extends beyond their corporate roles into social and cultural spheres. We argue that this interconnectedness strengthens their capacity to influence societal norms and standards, often at the detriment of open dialogue and fairness. Today's groundbreaking show is an episode that challenges listeners to critically evaluate the power dynamics at play within the technology sector and its broader implications for society. It’s a deep dive into the economic and social disenfranchisement of men in today's world, questioning the roles and responsibilities of those at the helm of digital platforms. Join us for an episode that is as enlightening as it is provocative. It’s a rigorous exploration of how technological advancements and corporate governance intersect with social justice and personal freedoms, urging a reevaluation of how we define fairness and equality in the digital age. 📖 → Order Biblical Bachelor today: 🫶 → Support our Patreon Page:

  • Are Men Weak? Freedom vs Comfort | Are Western Women To Blame?

    Are Men Weak? Freedom vs Comfort | Are Western Women To Blame?

    This episode explores the idea that many men in contemporary society have become 'beta' due to societal changes where security is chosen over freedom. Firstly, we will discuss the notion that some men have become weaker in terms of personal determination and aspiration. We will then explore how this trend is related to the growing concentration of power among the elite. We will examine how the desire for comfort and security has led many individuals to surrender their independence, particularly when dealing with government and authority figures. The conversation then shifts towards discussing the role of gender in the current societal changes. We ask challenging questions about the contributions of both men and women in shaping this state of affairs. We explore whether it is the actions of "bad men" or the choices of "promiscuous women" that have had a greater impact on our social landscape, leading to a dialogue about responsibility and accountability. This discussion aims to encourage listeners to reflect on the different ways in which each gender may contribute to these trends, without presenting a definite answer. As a result, it invites audience members to form their own opinions based on the arguments presented. In addition, we are struggling with the dilemma of choosing between freedom and comfort. We are questioning whether people have sacrificed their liberty for a sense of security, which has resulted in a lack of progress in both personal and societal growth. We urge our audience to reconsider the actual meaning of freedom in the current era and to contemplate how to regain it for those who are dissatisfied with the current norms. Today's episode is a thought-provoking one that addresses some difficult questions about manhood and leadership in the current world. The show encourages our audience to deeply reflect on their motivations and choices, and challenges them to consider whether they are sacrificing freedom for comfort. Join us for a controversial and engaging episode that critically examines the roles that both men and women play in shaping power dynamics in the Western world. While there are no easy answers, this episode provides plenty of food for thought. 📖 → Order Biblical Bachelor today: 🫶 → Support our Patreon Page: