Podcast episodes

  • Season 1

  • Rep. Gil Gatch shares fascinating story of his background and talks about family law, the budget and tort reform

    Rep. Gil Gatch shares fascinating story of his background and talks about family law, the budget and tort reform

    Representative Gil Gatch talks with podcast host Frank Knapp about his winding road to becoming a lawyer in his late 30's and how those experiences helped shape his perspective on family law and legislation. He tells why is proud of the budget the House passed and his distaste for the antics of some members of the House. Rep. Gatch explains the issues covered in the House passed tort reform bill compared to the more expansive Senate bill on the issue. He tells why a special ad hoc committee in the House will hold hearings on the cost of insurance and that insurance companies will be compelled to testify, something they did not do during the hearings on tort reform in the House.

  • SC Senate President Thomas Alexander shares the history of his position and his fentanyl bill

    SC Senate President Thomas Alexander shares the history of his position and his fentanyl bill

    SC Senate President Thomas Alexander expresses his appreciation for the Senators he presides over and talks about his 38 years serving in the legislature. He shares the role of the presiding officer of the Senate and the reason that position changed from being the Lt. Governor. Senator Alexander talk with podcast host Frank Knapp about the need for his bill to create the offense of fentanyl-induced homicide. Creating a specific crime punishable by imprisonment for up to 30 years for lacing other drugs with fentanyl of just selling other drugs containing fentanyl would hopefully reduce the number of deaths attributed to the drug. The Senator also talks about the importance of small business and the role of government in its support.

  • Representative Todd Rutherford, House Minority Leader, discusses legalized gambling, second chance for previously incarcerated and ticket scalping

    Representative Todd Rutherford, House Minority Leader, discusses legalized gambling, second chance for previously incarcerated and ticket scalping

    Rep Todd Rutherford, the S.C. House Minority Leader, talks with podcast host Frank Knapp about the economic benefits to the state for legalizing casino gambling, pari-mutuel betting and other gambling games. He believes that his “ban the box” bill, that would ban job applications from asking questions about criminal convictions, will enable previously incarcerated the opportunity for employment. Rep. Rutherford has experienced, as has the host, the high cost of event tickets offered by online scalpers. He has a bill to allow local vendors to engage in reselling tickets to provide real competition in this market.

  • Representative Micah Caskey describes functions of Rules Committee, the budget process and pay for local law enforcement

    Representative Micah Caskey describes functions of Rules Committee, the budget process and pay for local law enforcement

    Rep. Micah Caskey, Chairman of the House Rules Committee, shares with podcast host Frank Knapp the importance of his committee and the process of setting legislation for special order. Amendments during the budgetary process on the House floor need to follow the rules. He describes the overall legislative budget process and addresses differences between the House and Senate budgets. Rep. Caskey also talks about how important it is to pay local law enforcement officers more and how his legislation can help these men and women keep more of the pay that they receive by excluding their income from state tax. Rep. Caskey also expresses the need for better roads in his county, Lexington, and how making smarter engineering decisions as plans are being prepared is critical.

  • Representative Brandon Newton discusses the House budget, taxes and election laws

    Representative Brandon Newton discusses the House budget, taxes and election laws

    Rep. Brandon Newton of Lancaster tells podcast host Frank Knapp that the SC House members turn over pretty frequently which makes term limits unnecessary. He serves on the House Ways and Means Committee and describes the budget, reserve funds and regarding Medicaid he wants to see what Congress does and how it might impact the state’s Medicaid program. Rep. Newton describes his bill to exempt the first $10,000 of business personal property from local property taxes. Election reforms are of particular interest to him, and he describes some of his bills on the issue.