The Frightening Tale of Old Groaner

Scary Bear Attacks Podcast by Add Ventura

Episode notes

The year was 1924 and fur trapper Jess Sethington had decided to make his way up to the headwaters of the Unuk River without the companionship of another person. People venturing into the isolated backcountry of Alaska have an unwritten rule and that was to never go alone, but Jess didn’t heed that advice. He was very experienced after all, and his trip was not supposed to be long in duration. Jess didn’t return when scheduled and four of his woodsman friends began the tracking process. They located several of his campsites and then all signs of the trapper disappeared.

About nine years later, gold miners and brothers Jack and Bruce Johnstone, and their trusty dog Slasher, had decided to trek to the productive headwaters of The Unuk River. The labor of the day was exhausting yet rewarding as the remote area was largely untapped and begrudgi ... 

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old groaner