2. Janthea Bridgen - child care at events, regulatory compliance, lost child procedures, risk assessing events for child care, how safeguarding can be improved.

Safety Sistas by Ise Murphy

Episode notes

Janthea Bridgen is CEO of Nipperbout, providing child care and children’s activities for the events industry. We talk about how she got to where she is today, what it takes to provide best practice and what challenges she faces in the industry. She shares fascinating insights in how she risk assesses events, debunks a theory that sometimes divides event safety teams and what she would like to see change in 10 years time. I learned so much from listening to Janthea and hope that you too can take home some of the wisdom she shares in how we can all work together to keep children safe at our events.

We couldn’t cover everything we wanted to in this episode and I will be inviting her back soon. Some of the things we are keen to cover next time are;

  • the times during an event in crowds when the risk to losing a child increa ... 
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