Ruff: kink & polyamoryExplicit

by Pennyfool

Join Pennyfool, Black Kore, Birdbrat, and more as we talk about leather, polyamory, and their history! From the early scene to today we cover out hot takes on kink, sm, leathersex, non-monogamy, polyamory, and more!

Podcast episodes

  • Season 2

  • 205: History of the Straight/Queer Scene


    205: History of the Straight/Queer Scene


    Pennyfool and Birdbrat chat about the people who brought the straight/queer kink scene into being and the organizations they founded! Also covered: the continued split between the gay men's and straight/queer scene, the major role played by fem doms, and energy leeches. Enjoy! People mentioned in this episode: Cynthia Slater Pat Bond, Patrick Califia Gayle Rubin Nancy Ava Miller Jim Kane Guy Baldwin Organizations: Janus Eulenspiegel (TES) Samois Black Rose People Exchanging Power (PEP) Sources: Society Of Janus: 25 Years (T. Weymouth) Pervert: Notes from the Sexual Underground (Nancy Ava Miller) Cynthia Slater and the Catholic Priest (Jack Fritscher)

  • 204: The Business of Leather (Chuck Renslow pt.2)


    204: The Business of Leather (Chuck Renslow pt.2)


    Black Kore and Pennyfool talk about Chuck Renslow's ascent to a leather business mogul with the founding of the Gold Coast, Man's Country, International Mr. Leather, and more. We touch on his potential ties to the mob, his infamous polycule ("The Family"), the White Parties, and the founding of the Leather Archives.

  • 203: The early leather scene in Chicago (Chuck Renslow pt.1)


    203: The early leather scene in Chicago (Chuck Renslow pt.1)


    WE'RE BACK! Pennyfool and Black Kore talk about Chuck Renslow, Dom "Etienne" Orejudos, Phil Sparrow and their roles in forming the early Chicago Leather Scene. Topics include pre and post war gay porn, gyms, cruising, tattooing, the move from 1:1 SM to a coalescing SM "scene", relationships with Kinsey, and more! We're so excited to be back and sharing more leather history with you :) Sources: Leatherman: The Legend of Chuck Renslow Secret Historian: The Life and Times of Samuel Steward, Professor, Tattoo Artist, and Sexual Renegade Fireside chat with Chuck Renslow:

  • 202: bottommen and Topmen


    202: bottommen and Topmen


    @penny_fool and @birdbrat talk about Thom Magister's "One Among Many: The Training of a Leatherman" from Leatherfolk. This is a great one if you like gay biker gangs from the 1950s, and (high) fantasy.

  • 201: A Temple of the Butthole


    201: A Temple of the Butthole


    @puppeegirl and @penny_fool kick off Season 2 discussing Gayle Rubin's essay "The Catacombs: a Temple of the Butthole" from Leatherfolk (1991). This is a fun one for anal enthusiasts and kink/leather history nerds. Topics include San Francison, Folsom, South of Market, Fisting, Crisco, Why queers should write wills, and many more!