Ruach Israel

by Congregation Ruach Israel

Wisdom from the Rabbis and other Leaders from Congregation Ruach Israel located in metropolitan Boston, Massachusetts.

Podcast episodes

  • What Does a Red Heifer Have to do with Passover?

    What Does a Red Heifer Have to do with Passover?

    As we prepare to relive the miraculous birth of our people at Passover, why do we read about the Red Heifer? This ancient ritual calls us to a deeper trust in G-d—reminding us of the divine mystery between life and death, slavery and freedom, the sea and dry land. The ashes of the Red Heifer urge us not to wait until the last moment to live for G-d, but to walk in faith now. This sermon explores how the Red Heifer prepares our hearts to fully enter the mystery of Pesach. By Senior Rabbi Nathan Joiner at Ruach Israel, March 22, 2025.

  • Building a Mishkan in Your Heart

    Building a Mishkan in Your Heart

    In this sermon, we’ll walk through the rooms of the Temple and explore how we can build a “Mishkan” (tabernacle) in our hearts, creating a space for G-d’s presence to dwell. By Senior Rabbi Nathan Joiner at Ruach Israel, March 8, 2025.

  • What We Find At the Well - Abby Tang (audio only)

    What We Find At the Well - Abby Tang (audio only)

    A deep dive into Parshat Vayetizei and the life we find when we come to the well of living water By Abby Tang at Ruach Israel, December 7, 2024

  • Torah From the Inside Out: Generosity (Sermon on the Mount 11) (Audio Only)

    Torah From the Inside Out: Generosity (Sermon on the Mount 11) (Audio Only)

    Let’s look at Matthew 5:42, “Give to all who ask of you and lend to those who wish to borrow from you” in context of the verses before, “Turn the other cheek.” How is generosity a key for life in the Kingdom of Heaven? By Senior Rabbi Nathan Joiner at Ruach Israel, January 18, 2025.

  • The Shabbat Controversy (Audio only)

    The Shabbat Controversy (Audio only)

    After healing the man crippled for 38 years at the pool of Bethzatha, Yeshua's authority is challenged by the Ioudaioi — the Jerusalem approved religious authority in the Temple. Join Rabbi Nathan as we open up Yeshua’s powerful words in Yochanon 5 and see a glimpse into these amazing events in First century Jerusalem. By Senior Rabbi Nathan Joiner at Ruach Israel, January 11, 2025.