Routes Through Pokemon
by Hunterfield Institute
The journey of a father and daughter as they explore the Pokemon video game series and connected media, much of it for the first time.
The journey of a father and daughter as they explore the Pokemon video game series and connected media, much of it for the first time.
Professor Thistle is a miserly old man who hates laziness, the poor, and especially Christmas. And he is not one to give away any of his collection of Pokemon. But then he receives a message from his old partner, Professor Evergreen, and a warning that he would be visited by three Pokemon and that, hopefully, he could learn to change his ways. So, join Mortimer Thistle as he ventures into his past, visits those in his present, and takes a look at the future that awaits him in this Pokemon twist to the classic Christmas Story and find out if this Professor can be changed or if he is even more stubborn than old Ebenezer Scrooge. Cast: Narrator, Professor Thistle and Mister Edwards - Shea Locke Professor Evergreen - Serenity Sola Miss Ratchet and Grey's Mother - Ruby Grey - Flame Rosie Ratchet - Rosella Kid on the street - Vi-Vi Thanks for listening and just a reminder that there will not be a new episode next week either while we enjoy a little break during the holidays. But then we'll be back on January 7th with an anime only episode. We Will Catch You on the Next Route!
No regular episode today. But we do have the final part to the Pokemon Christmas Carol we've been putting at the end of our episodes this month. Now that Professor Thistle has been given glimpses into the Christmases of Grey and Miss Ratchet what comes next? Will the professor see the error of his ways? Or will he die the lonesome death of a miserly old fool? Is it possible for such a man to change? Cast: Narrator, Professor Thistle and Mister Edwards - Shea Locke Professor Evergreen - Sola Miss Ratchet and Grey's Mother - Ruby Grey - Flame Rosie Ratchet - Rosella Kid on the street - Vi-Vi Thanks for listening and just a reminder that there will not be a new episode next week either while we enjoy a little break during the holidays. But then we'll be back on January 7th with an anime only episode. We Will Catch You on the Next Route!
Who says you have to go on a Pokemon journey alone? Midori accompanies his daughter Violet as she chooses her first Pokemon and takes off to earn the eight badges. But difficult terrain, sinister organizations, and obnoxious trainers get in the way. Can they overcome these challenges? Listen to this first Part as they try and make it to their first badge. This is a collection of parts 1-20 of Violet and Midori's journey which sees Violet choose her first Pokemon in Cerulean City, encounters with Team Rocket, a dangerous trek through Mt. Moon, and rivalries are made. Do they make it to Pewter City? Do they earn that first badge? Listen and find out. And if you like this and want to stay up to date, listen to our regular program Routes Through Pokemon and tune into the end as we release a new part every episode. We Will Catch You on the Next Route Cast: Shea Locke - Narrator, Midori, Brock, Misc. Characters Ruby - Violet, Misty, Misc. Characters Rosella - Kohana
Alright, as a special Halloween treat, I went back and did some minor re-editing of the 2 parts of our Halloween Special: Fallen Leaves and combined them into one audio track. So you can listen to it straight and without sitting through our game and episode discussions. Enjoy!
This is a big one, everyone. We are wrapping up a season, so it is time for Ruby and Shea Locke to pull out some repels, lures, and Pokeballs and rearrange the rankings of Season 4. Not only that, but Ash tries to take on 2 different gym battles. AND THEN we start season 5, so we get a new theme song and seem to be setting up a possibly Misty centric arc! Then, stay tuned after to see Violet jump into battle Team Rocket alongside the Stranger. What is covered: Anime Episodes: Episode 208 (449): The Joy of Water Pokemon Episode 209 (450): Got Miltank? Episode 210 (451): Fight for the Light Episode 211 (452): Machoke, Machoke Man! JOHTO LEAGUE CHAMPIONS END MASTER QUEST START Episode 212 (501): Around the Whirlpool Episode 213 (502): Fly Me to the Moon Intro music uses [NDS] Route 30, Route 31 (Johto) - Pokémon HeartGold/SoulSilver theme by Blackasthesky. Check out the full version on youtube at [NDS] Route 30, Route 31 (Johto) - Pokémon HeartGold/SoulSilver ( Outro uses Pokémon Gold/Silver - "New Bark Town" (Relaxing, Lofi Hiphop Remix) by Franz Fritz. Check out that full version on youtube at Pokémon Gold/Silver - "New Bark Town" (Relaxing, Lofi Hiphop Remix) ( Routes Through Pokemon is a Hunterfield Institute production. You can find us at Hunterfield Institute - YouTube, the "Routes Through Pokemon" facebook page (Routes Through Pokemon | Facebook), kinetic_card on Instagram, and Shea Locke @hunterfieldins on X. Our podcast is also on Spotify, Amazon, Apple and others. Please like, subscribe, rate, and review wherever you find us. If you want to get in touch with us with corrections, suggestions, to tell us what you like or don't like, or just to share your love of Pokemon, go ahead and reach out at Next Week: We will be continuing on our Master Quest as we tackle 6 more episodes of the third Johto season as we watch the gang work up to the Whirl Cup. Thanks for listening, and we will catch you on the next route.