The Experience Corporation - 7. All is Fair in Fudge and Cabinetry | Part 1 | Welcome to the Cabs

The Experience Corporation (Ad Free) by Readymade Utopia

Episode notes

A new friend is found. Delmont eats fudge. Cameo does not. A large bird hides in a bush.

Delmont is played by Len Sheth

Cameo is played by Samuel Levit

Leslie is played by Brit Meyer

Riley is played by Matthew Snead

Bauble is played by Christian Rassmusen

Goff Lynn is played by Keely Smith

The Falcon is played by Chloe Haven

Gumbo is played by CG Shoopmann

Tulip and Lola are played by Julia Crowley

Dr Ardercoin and Fudge Vincent played by Samuel Levit

Written by Samuel Levit

Produced and directed by Kaleb Davie

Vanessa Thurlow is the director of sound design, producer, and composer.

Theme song written by Vanessa Thurlow and Len Sheth, performed by Christian Rasmussen,

Artwork by Kate Nikles. Our executive producers are Susan Fair, Bob Levit, and Louise and R ... 

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