Ricci Flow Nutrition Podcast

by Cameron Borg

Welcome to the Ricci Flow Nutrition Podcast. In this podcast, I discuss a host of topics related to health, wellness, nutrition, science and medicine. I get the opportunity to learn from some of the brightest and most forward-thinking minds in the world. This podcast invites fresh thoughts and ideas about our health and the health of our planet.

Podcast episodes

  • Andrew Marino: The Truth About a Life in Science

    Andrew Marino: The Truth About a Life in Science

    Andrew Marino, PhD, JD is a retired biophysicist and lawyer specialising in the biological effects of electromagnetic energy. Working closely with Dr. Robert Becker for much of his career, Marino has played a pivotal role in understating the impacts of non-native electromagnetic fields via stress response pathways in animals and humans. His work has raised fundamental questions about the safety of wireless communications technologies, powerlines and the ever-growing number of gadgets we are surrounded by. He is the author of several books including, ‘Going Somewhere’, which documents the harsh realities of a life in science. His story is poignant and highlights how science can be manipulated and watered down at the whims of those in power with little regard for human safety. His forthcoming book (Winter 2025), ‘Philip Handler: Toxic Pope of Science’ details the long-lasting effects some critical figures have had in shaping what we perceive today as science. Please consider subscribing to my Substack where I share my detailed thoughts and insights on my podcast topics and beyond. This is the best way to support me and the podcast. Andrew's Work Website Publications Books Follow Me Website Substack Consultation Instagram Youtube Twitter/X Spotify Apple Linktree

  • Roger Seheult: The Rediscovery of Sunlight in Medicine

    Roger Seheult: The Rediscovery of Sunlight in Medicine

    Roger Seheult, MD, is an American quadruple board certified medical doctor who resides in Loma Linda, California. He has board certifications in internal medicine, pulmonary diseases, critical care medicine, and sleep medicine. Roger also runs the incredibly successful youtube channel, MedCram, where he provides unmatched medical education for free. His educational platform is used by hospitals, medical schools, and hundreds of thousands of medical professionals from all over the world. Roger has been at the forefront of medical professionals who are rediscovering the power of sunlight in medicine. He has been an important thought-leader, sharing the powerful effects of light on biology; particularly those only found in sunlight. He has also used his platform to inform the public about the dangers of current artificial lighting fixtures, rich in short visible wavelengths and not balanced by the longer red and NIR wavelengths. Roger's Work MedCram Website MedCram Youtube Channel Follow Me Website Substack Consultation Instagram Youtube Twitter/X Spotify Apple Linktree

  • Olle Johansson: Biological Effects of Electromagnetic Fields

    Olle Johansson: Biological Effects of Electromagnetic Fields

    Olle Johansson, PhD, is a former associate professor at the department of neuroscience, Karolinska Institutet. His research focuses on the biological effects of electromagnetic fields and the potential consequences of unbridled expansion of global communications networks. He has been outspoken in his desire to inform the public of the known dangers of electronic devices and wireless technologies, particularly to children, who are more susceptible to the effects. Due to the complex socio political and economic relationships between telecommunications companies and public health sectors, Olle’s (and others) work has been harshly criticised for being dramatic and unfounded, despite the presence of thousands of peer-reviewed articles demonstrating detrimental biological effects of man-made electromagnetic fields dating back almost a century. Olle’s moral obligation to speak out about these negative health effects have impacted his career and research dramatically. Please consider subscribing to my Substack to support the podcast and get deeper insights into these topics. https://ricciflow.substack.com/ Olle's Work: Publications Fundraising Follow Me: Website Substack Consultation Instagram Youtube Twitter/X Spotify Apple Linktree

  • Dean Radin: Quantum Mechanics, Consciousness & Biology

    Dean Radin: Quantum Mechanics, Consciousness & Biology

    Dean Radin, MS, PhD, is Chief Scientist at the Institute of Noetic Science (IONS) and Associated Distinguished Professor of Integral and Transpersonal Psychology at the California Institute of Integral Studies (CIIS). He has degrees in electrical engineering, physics and psychology and has been involved in research on the frontiers of consciousness for over 30 years. Dean is the author of many scientific papers, book chapters and books including Supernormal, The Conscious Universe and Real Magic. Dean’s work opens up the possibility for the unification of science and spirituality through the lens of quantum mechanical principals. His work on how conscious attention and intention impacts quantum-level events is paving the way for our understanding of our role in the unfolding of the world around us. Please consider subscribing to my Substack to support the podcast and get deeper insights into these topics. https://ricciflow.substack.com/ Dean's Work: Institute of Noetic Sciences Books Follow Me: Website Substack Consultation Instagram Youtube Twitter/X Spotify Apple Linktree

  • Pelle Lindqvist: Sunlight in Reducing All-Cause Mortality

    Pelle Lindqvist: Sunlight in Reducing All-Cause Mortality

    Pelle Lindqvist, PhD, is a Swedish obstetrician and epidemiologist with particular interest in the role of sun exposure habits in health outcomes. He has become more well-known particularly because of his publications in the last decade on how sun exposure impacts disease incidence and mortality. In 2014 and 2016, Pelle and colleagues used data from the Melanoma in Southern Sweden Cohort of 30,000 women over 20 years. The published results demonstrated that those with the greatest sun-seeking habits had lower all-cause mortality when compared with those with the lowest sun-seeking habits. These results have since been replicated using data from the UK Biobank, making it crystal clear that our disconnection from sunlight is affecting health in a foundational manner. References for the papers discussed in this podcast are shown in the youtube version. Please consider subscribing to my Substack to support the podcast and get deeper insights into these topics. https://ricciflow.substack.com/ Follow Me: Website Substack Consultation Instagram Youtube Twitter/X Spotify Apple Linktree