ReSync: An Assassin's Creed Podcast

by Landon Plumley, Lukas Bakle

Welcome to ReSync: An Assassin's Creed Podcast! Landon and Lukas are both longtime Assassin's Creed fans, nostalgic of the past and excited for the future of the franchise. In this podcast, Lukas and Landon will be going through the ENTIRE franchise from the very beginning, to look at how it all began, how it's changed and evolved, and doing deep dive retrospectives of the series throughout.

Podcast episodes

  • Season 2

  • ReSync: Assassin's Creed II Sequence 10

    ReSync: Assassin's Creed II Sequence 10

    Force Majeure. In our longest (and in our opinion best) episode yet, it's a HUGE week for Assassin's Creed! Landon's played over 40 hours of Assassin's Creed Shadows and has plenty of thoughts, the boys can't stop arguing about Black Flag, and Ezio forms an army! There's a whole lot to talk about this week on ReSync, and it's filled with juicy deep dives and tangents lmao. We've entered the third act of Assassin's Creed II, which means the season finale approaches! Be sure to stick around and answer the trivia question down in the comments!

  • ReSync: Assassin's Creed II Sequence 9

    ReSync: Assassin's Creed II Sequence 9

    Carnevale. It's a party this week on ReSync: An Assassin's Creed Podcast! Ezio enjoys the festivities while plotting the new Doge's demise!! Plus, the FINAL Assassin Tomb and a community ranking of the AC games before Shadows drops! It's a great time over in Venice, hope you enjoy! Be sure to stick around and answer the trivia question over on Patreon!

  • ReSync: Assassin's Creed II Sequence 8

    ReSync: Assassin's Creed II Sequence 8

    Necessity, Mother of Invention. We've now entered the back half of Assassin's Creed II over on ReSync! It's a short week this week, but there's still some really cool stuff to talk about! More of Venice to explore, STILL more brand new mechanics, and another Assassin Tomb! Plus, the final deep dive for Assassin's Creed Shadows has been revealed! Be sure to stick around and answer the trivia question over on Patreon!

  • ReSync: Assassin's Creed II Sequence 7

    ReSync: Assassin's Creed II Sequence 7

    The Merchant of Venice. It's a whole new world in Assassin's Creed II as Lukas and Landon dive into Sequence 7! But first, we exit the Animus for the first time in the game and get some more time with Desmond, Shaun, Rebecca, and Lucy! Plus, some INSANE callbacks to the first game! All that and more, plus we got a bunch of news surrounding the progression systems in Assassin's Creed Shadows! Be sure to stick around and answer the trivia question over on Patreon!

  • ReSync: Assassin's Creed II Sequence 6

    ReSync: Assassin's Creed II Sequence 6

    Rocky Road. It's a pretty bizarrely short sequence this week for ReSync, but we've still got plenty of things to talk about! There's multiple new gameplay mechanics crammed into this segue sequence that have us impressed! New locations, characters, and more abound! Also, a new Assassin Tomb to explore! Be sure to stick around and answer the trivia question over on Patreon!