Podcast episodes

  • Season 1

  • School Started

    School Started

    This episode I talk about what's has been going on this past week and things I got into over the week. Lot's of fun and experiences and my 5 year old daughter started kindergarten.

  • Being Open

    Being Open

    A friend did Reiki healing and I thought it would be an experience and also did a tarot card reading. This is my experience. Get out your comfort zone. My PC stopped turning on and delayed two episodes with one being lost. Now I have a new setup for a weekly new format.

  • Appreciation


    Lets show appreciation and have conversations about it. Let your partner know how you feel and express yourself.

  • Children Dating

    Children Dating

    How do we talk to children who are dating and how do we protect them.

  • Closure


    This episode is directed to those who had encounters with me and still hold some form of emotions toward me. Heal yourselves because this is important to your growth.