Episode notes
In this episode, Randy Davis interviews Josh Richards, also known as Redeemed, about his journey from addiction to redemption. Josh shares his early life in Florida, the multiple losses he experienced, and how he turned to drugs to cope. He describes the downward spiral of addiction and the impact it had on his relationships. However, Josh also shares how he found hope and redemption through his faith in God. He discusses the power of music in recovery and the unity among hip hop artists who share a common purpose of building the kingdom of God.
- Loss and trauma can lead to addiction as a way to cope with pain.
- Finding hope and redemption is possible through faith in God.
- Music can play a powerful role in recovery and healing.
- Unity among hip hop artists can create a supportive co ...
addictionforgivenesssupportfamilyrelationshipsgrowthfaithaddiction effects allmake a changebroken relationshipsdeath of a parent