
The 13 Deal Killers: Do The OPPOSITE (pt 1) | Ep 58

Real Freedom by Ryan Weimer

Episode notes

Not Getting The Number Of Deals You Want?

Inspired by Albert Einstein and Charlie Munger - Ryan and Cory describe how knowing what NOT to do is a powerful mindset tool you can use to CLOSE MORE DEALS.

Anxiety, feeling stuck, self doubt... these are all common emotions entrepreneurs feel on the roller coaster of business! Often it's much easier to identify what NOT to do than what TO do. When we know what NOT to do, we can reframe that into doing the opposite - which is the exact action step you need to take!

The 13 Deal Killers (part 1):

1. Not taking action

2. Not consistently generating leads

3. Having delusional expectations for outcomes

4. Cash is your only offering (We have 4 different offerings none of which are a traditional listing)

5. Not following up on your leads

#6 - 13 in ... 

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