Buying a Home with Fractional Ownership - Interview with Ownify CEO Frank Rohde
What if you could buy a home while paying rent? Real Estate Talk Podcast hosts Joshua Britt and Robert Keilman sit down with Frank Rohde, the CEO and co-founder of Ownify. Ownify is a re-imagined path towards homeownership. As rising home prices, increasing mortgage rates, high down payments, student loan debt, and record credit card debt balances make buying a home more out of reach for the typical American; Ownify offers an alternative solution. Geared towards first time home buyers, instead of applying for a traditional mortgage through a bank or mortgage company; Ownify will partner with the home buyer to purchase a home; the new home buyer will pay rent and a portion of that rent will go towards purchasing the home one brick at a time. The homebuyer will require a 2% down payment, either from their personal funds or as gift funds from friends or family members; and Ownify will cover closing costs, earnest money deposit, inspections and repairs. Next, the homebuyer will need to get pre=qualified within minutes with Ownify through their website at The homebuyer can work with a real estate agent of their choosing, or Ownify can recommend an agent within their area. Once the home buyer moves into their new home; they will already have a 2% equity stake in the home. As they pay rent, a portion of their rent goes towards buying more "bricks" or shares of equity stake in the property. For a further breakdown on how Ownify works watch their video on YouTube: According to Rohde, Ownify is a venture-funded fractional homeownership platform that leverages socially conscious capital to solve home affordability for first time home buyers while achieving strong returns for investors. Prior to becoming the CEO of Ownify, Rohde spent 15 years as the CEO of Nomis Solutions, the leading mortgage and loan pricing engine globally. Running Nomis, Rohde worked with 100+ banks and lenders on mortgage loan, and deposit pricing. During that time, Rohde saw the challenge for the first-time home buyer in the data of his company's clients and decided to do something about it. So, he sold Nomis and started Ownify. Rohde is a 3x fintech founder / entrepreneur with experience in data science / machine learning / real estate / pricing. He started his career at Oliver Wyman and FICO after graduating with a bachelor of science in finance fand real estate from Wharton Business School. Watch this episode on YouTube