A root cause approach to healing neuropathy with Dr. Christian Nelson, DC

R3 Physio: Relief, Restore, Refine by Jason Racca

Episode notes
in this episode we talk about root causes of neuropathy (nerve pain/symptoms) and how to help your body heal from neuropathy!Dr. Christian Nelson owns Advocate Wellness in Keller, TX.Socia Media: @advocatewellnesstx00:00 Intro1:20 Dr, Nelson speaks about his philosophy of care and his story of why he became a chiropractor7:13 How treatment at Advocate Wellness differs from a traditional approach to chiropractic13:53 structural issues vs. metabolic issues, and how treatments differ. Specifically structural neuropathy vs. metabolic neuropathy.16:42 what are the different zones of the spine, and how does that relate to treatment?21:00 4 main contributing factors to metabolic neuropathy32:31 The mind-body connection and how it can lead to issues.37:00 What treatment for neuropathy can look l ...   ...  Read more
chiropracticnervous systemneuropathysciatica